Sunday, December 23, 2012

Light'em Up and Spread the Joy

I want to apologize for my lack of posts on this blog. I always have the best intentions, but my littles and their lives get busy, business gets busy, and then I'm too tired!  My hubby finally, finally, finished his 2nd Masters in November so I'm hoping I'll have more time!  I had planned to do a homemade Christmas daily post in December, but than that got backlogged.  Instead, I'm going to do a Christmas recap in January, once all my homemade gifts have been opened and surprises can't be ruined. Make sure you follow me then, so you can ear mark future gifts you can make too!

On another note, the horrific events in Connecticut have me reminiscing about my teaching days. It wasn't too long ago we were doing practice drills at our elementary school in CA.  We had to find safe places to hide our Kindergarteners within the classroom. At the time, it seemed so far fetched.  Now, it's crazy to think this could be the new real life for my kiddos as they enter school. Benjamin starts Kindergarten in the fall, but even now I drop him for 3 hours MWF at the local preschool.  It saddens me to think of all the families shattered.

Because of the importance of spreading kindness, because I want my kids to understand how your actions can affect the happiness of others...we started doing a Light'em Up/Random Acts of Kindness activity through out the month of december.

What have we done?

  • Ben initiated giving our favorite waitress a large tip
  • We paid for coffee for the cars behind us in the drive through.  
  • We treated the mail carrier and UPS guys to coffee treats
  • We put $ in the salvation army bucket
  • We moved shopping carts out of the way of cars
  • We drew cards for our friends
We still plan on doing more.  I challenge you to do the same.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Minnie mouse tutu dress

One of my customers requested a Minnie mouse tutu dress and ears for her 2 year old grand daughter. I had never made a tutu dress, but it's just a longer version of a knot tutu with ribbon added. I hot glued sparkly felt throughout too. The ears I made with a headband, black felt, and pink dotted ribbon bow. My own little model was sleeping, so I had to step up to the plate for a picture. Can't wait to see it on the little girl!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

King robe

I got a special order for a king robe for Halloween. This is what I came up with.  A full draping robe with shiny gold trim and a fuzzy collar... so fun!

Do you want to make one of these yourself? Here is a short, tutorial of sorts. I couldn't take pics in my dark basement, but I figured I'd type up some thoughts.

Fabric (I chose shiny costume purple and a plush velvety costume fabric)
--How do you figure out how much? How long do you want your robe/cape? Take that number, double it, and add a few extra inches for seams
--My 2.5 year old needed it to be about 30 inches.  I bought 2 yards of each to be safe.
Elastic (about 5 inches)
A small amount of fuzzy fabric for the color
Trim (the length of the side of the cape) x2 (in this cape I chose a shiny gold ribbon, but another one I did, I did a gold threaded ric rac)

1. Lay your fabric out the way you bought it at the store. Unfold it and fold it the other way, matching raw edges.
2. Cut 2 lengths of scrap string or ribbon (4 inches (neckhole size) and 30 inches (or whatever length you want your cape). Tape ends to chalk or marking pen.  Holding string to one corner of the folded fabric (make sure you choose a corner that has an open end and a folded end), pull string taught and mark fabric in a u-shape from side to side.  Repeat with the larger string.
3.  Cut along markings. (If you open up your cut piece you'll have one side of the cape).
4. Repeat for other fabric.
5.  Choose the outside fabric, and lay trim or fancy ribbon along the edge. Make sure it's about an inch from the edge. Pin in place.  Carefully sew down each side of the fancy trim (or down the middle depending on the trim you chose).
5. Repeat for other side of the cape.
6.  Cut collar shape out.  I cut one piece out of white fuzzy fabric, and one out of the shiny costume fabric.  I free drew the collar. I made the same neckhole and then drew a around about 5 inches from that line to get a collar.  Sew right sides together
7.  Lay fuzzy color right sides together with shiny inside cape. Sew 1/4 inch seam around neckhole.
8. Lay shiny collar right sides together with velvety cape outside. Sew 1/4 inch seam around neckhole.
9.  Make velcro neck tie: cut a 4x9 piece of fabric and sew right sides together along long side to make a tube.  Turn right sides out.  Thread elastic through. Sew one end down. On the other end fold fabric down to seal edge. Sew velcro over fold.
10. Lay capes right sides together. Slip neck tie between capes (right under collar). Make sure your velcro is facing the shiny side of the cape. Pin around cape
11. Sew around cape leaving gap on the bottom for turning.
12. Turn right sides out.  Push corners out.
13. hand stitch hole closed.
14. Add piece of velcro (line up with neck tie) to the opposite side (but front) of the cape as the necktie.
15. Trim threads and you are done!  Happy Sewing!

New! Appliquéd towels and hooded towels

How pretty these are.... So, so pretty and colorful!

Minnie mouse birthday shirt

This sweet little girl is turning 1!

This Fall's Shows

Come see me, and many of my friends, this fall at the following shows:

Saturday, October 13 (10-2): Kids Harvest Fest and Craft Show
EBNS, South Presbyterian Church, 4 E. Henrietta Rd

Saturday, November 3 (10-2): PUNS Holiday Gift Market
Pittsford United Nursery School
123 South Main Street, 
Pittsford, NY 14534

Thursday, November 29 (6-9) Holiday Show
Risen Christ Preschool 1000 Moseley Road  Fairport

Saturday, December 1 (9-4): Crafts for a Cause
Penfield YMCA off of Rt. 250

I may do one other on Saturday, November 17 at Pittsford Presbyterian Church for Pittsford Nursery School (11-3), 25 Church St. I haven't decided on that one yet.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Process art

I was reminded this morning of the importance of process related art. Kayla was painting an apple tree. She had a trunk, leaves sponge painted with green, and apples made with fingers dipped in red. Then she proceeded to mix and paint over it. My type a personality had to take a back seat. The importance of this painting was the experience and experimentation. So... That's how we ended up with this....

Friday, September 21, 2012

Lego star wars here we come!

Ben's birthday is fast approaching. He has requested a Star Wars Lego party. Yikes!! I convinced him we could have simple invites this year. Here is a peak. I have to now plan the rest. Give me strength!

Hot mama?

Ben just started preschool. On the first day of school, Kayla and I went shopping! Shoe shopping! She picked these out.... "momma these are cute. Sooo pretty."

Work space

I've reclaimed my work space. Sorry for the dark picture but it's late and in my basement. Usually it's piled with projects but I'm determined to be more organized! Hard to do with 2 little ones but it's a start.

Artists row

Thanks to everyone for supporting me this year at Artists' Row! It was a great show. Hubby and kiddos arrived with lunch. I don't usually get to show off what I do to them, so it was a nice treat! I'll be posting more pics soon! Mark your calendars for October 13th 10-2 at 4 E Henrietta Rd for a great kids Harvest fest and craft show!

Blood sweat and tears

Working furiously on my car caddies before artists row. I lost my work space in the basement due to crazy water issues so my hubby was super patient with me! I took over our dining room for a week in preparation. Whew!

Mermaid tales

New this year! Just designed these mermaid tales. It was hard finding the right length, but I think I got it!

Grrrrrr. Dino tails

Superhero capes


Mommy school

Monday, September 3, 2012

Adventures in Mommy School

We are ready for "Mommy School!"  Ben starts a 3-day a week preschool in a couple weeks, but I wanted to do something for both Kayla and Ben.  My goal is to give them something to work on together, give us some guided learning time together, and have some structure to our schedule to explore a wide range of topics.  I needed time to work on Kayla's hand strength and an opportunity to encourage Ben to grow in his reading as well.  I'm all set up and ready to go. I'll take some pictures this week and post so those interested can get an idea of what we are doing week to week.

In other news, I'm gearing up for craft show season, although I think I'm only doing 3 small ones this year.  I have a lot of left over products from last year, but I'm still trying to make some new things. I always have bigger thoughts than time though, so we'll see how it goes.  More pictures to come soon!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

4th of July dresses and shirt

My sister and I made cute dresses for the girls for 4th of July. All of them started with shirts from Target. For Kayla's I took a ruffle tank, took in the sides about an inch and cut off the bottom. I then added gathered ruffles. She loves how much it twirls.  Anika's had long layers flowing from her waist.  My sister added elastic when attaching the top layer to the shirt so it cinched into the waist a bit.  Anika loves flowy long dresses. Rayna's was a drop waste 3 ruffle layered dress that suited her spunky personality. Ben requested a firework shirt with a letter B. It was a fun day!


My friends and I have been making pillow cases throughout the year to change with seasons and holidays. Here is my attempt at end of summer. Loving my flower one inspired from pinterest.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Bicycle dress

My niece, rayna loved her embroidered bicycle dress. I am itching to do another one of these. It turned out so cute!

4th of July pillows.

My favorite is the gathered flag

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Easter outfit

Sorry for the delay. I've got lots of pictures to share, but here was Kayla's cute outfit for Easter.